Girl, Where Have You Been?

I spoke to a friend recently and they asked me, “what’s going on with your blog? Are you still doing it?” It took me a few seconds to determine if I was going to give the real answer or the answer that everyone wants to hear. But I replied truthfully and stated that I took a few months away (which I didn't realize it's been that long) to gather myself. After losing my Grandfather, I needed to take some time away and work on life without him. Most people’s relationships with their Grandparents are not even close to the relationship that I had with mine. The relationship I had with them was more like a parental relationship and not a traditional grandparent relationship. They were literally factored into my weekly plans and sometimes daily. So for me to lose both of them within a year and a half, it has been a hard adjustment for me and as a result, I lost some of my drive and creativity. I needed to grieve and mourn the loss of them without thinking about blogging topics and posting on Instagram. I needed to take a few moments for myself to get my mind in a better place before I could even consider blogging again.

But this is a new year and I plan to continue to do the thing that I felt most at peace with. I plan to use my experiences and learnings that I had with Grandparents to continue to drive topics and discussions. This year, I plan to be unapologetic with my thoughts, stand 100% in my truth and handle whatever the universe throws my way.

Thank you all for being patient and understanding why I’ve been absent. But we all should take however long we need to make sure we take care of self.

Love, Brown Girl

“You can't pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first” - unknown