You Have To Put In Work

It kills me to see people in our generation want things to come to them fast and quick. I understand why we may have that misconception, internet, reality TV shows, social media will have us really thinking that people became an overnight success without putting in any work. Some people really think that people have a million followers, successful businesses, a lot of money, and success because they woke up and became the chosen ones. Even people who inherit money, it was someone in their family that had to put in the long hours and hard work to get things done. 

Now that I finally understand what it is that I want to do and what I believe my purpose is right now (side-note: just because something is your purpose right now, doesn’t mean that it won’t change) I am dedicating my energy to that. There are sometimes I want to go home and get in the bed, some days I don’t even want to look at Instagram (let alone post), and sometimes I don’t even want to think about what topic I should write about but I think about my purpose and I keep it going. I receive DM’s and comments from so many women sending encouraging notes that I KNOW this is what I am supposed to invest my energy and time on. In case you didn’t read my last post on protecting your energy, click here to read 

When I get behind this laptop and write these posts or work on other projects like 'From: Two Brown Girls', I get energized. I am motivated and encouraged to keep pushing forward. No, I don’t have all things worked out. No, I don’t have the funds to do everything that I want to do. No, I don’t have all the answers. But I will put the work in. If it takes me to come home from work to write a post, reach out to people who can help me get closer to my goals, reply to DM’s and comments on social media, to taking time to research successful blogs - I will do that. 

I may not know everything or have everything, but I am determined to put in the time to get there. 

Love, Brown Girl 

“We have the same amount of hours in the day a Beyonce” - Unknown